Mark this date – January 23rd 2011. It was on this date that the board, 5 LGBT sport organizations, and two government partners came together to create an OutSport Toronto vision and values statement.
With the help and experience provided by Colin Walker of Berkeley International ( ) the half-day session produced OutSport Toronto’s vision:
To be the respected voice of LGBT Sport
and our values:
   Service Driven
   Healthy Living
The next 3 to 5 years are taking shape. OutSport Toronto’s new vision and values will be presented at the March 27th AGM for approval by member organisations. With membership having no cost it’s easy, and free, to join and have a voice – as long as the forms are in by the end of February. (click here for forms).
Special thanks to volunteers from the organisations that participated in crafting the vision and values for OutSport Toronto:
- Village Pool League
- Out and Out
- Toronto Gay Flag Football League
- Crag Crux Climbers
- Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps
- Toronto Sports Council
- City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation
OutSport Toronto