Call for Candidates!

9 February 2011

OutSport Toronto's Annual General Meeting is coming up at the end of March 2011.  At the 27 March AGM, we will be, among other things, electing a new board.  We currently have a number of open positions, and are looking for good candidates.

Per OutSport Toronto's bylaws (29), a person is eligible to be a director of OutSport Toronto if

  1. they are a member in good standing with a member organisation, and endorsed by that member organisation to stand for election / acclamation / appointment as a director; or
  2. they are a person from the broader community who supports the mission of OutSport Toronto and is actively involved in sport.

At least two-thirds of the board must be composed of members of member-organisations.

If you are interested in a director position with OutSport Toronto, here's what you need to do, depending on into which category you fall above:

Member of Member Organisation:  Complete the form below, and have it signed by an appropriate signing officer of your organisation.  Once you've done that, send it in to OutSport Toronto.  We'll contact you as soon as we get it.

Not a Member of a Member Organisation:  Complete the form below, leaving the "Endorsement" section blank, and send it in to OutSport Toronto.  We'll contact you as soon as we get it.  Note that there are a limited  number of 'independent' positions on the board, and so we may not be able to accommodate all "independents" that may be interested.  Nonetheless, we can certainly use help on committees, so we may talk to you about that option as well.

In you have any questions, feel free to eMail , and we'll do our best to answer them.